Welcome to...

Umbra Machina

What is this?

>Umbra Machina:
>The Shadow Machine
>The window and the mirror
>My own Inferno

>The Gateway
>The enterance, and implied barrier

>You open your eyes and find yourself in a beautiful and expansive mountain valley.

>Behind you is, what appears to be, the only exit. A steep cliff, with a heavenly white shroud of fog obscuring everything beyond and below. In front of the dropoff is a red 'X'.

>All around you- close at your sides and in the distance -are massive craggy peaks, capped with snow, and covered in cascades like locks of shining hair falling down its rugged sides.

>At the feet of the mounts are dense and dark connifer forests, slowly tapering into gleaming and golden deciduous trees that begin to thin out towards the center. There can be seen a peaceful valley of grasses short and tall, as well as small lakes and streams dotting and weaving bright blue patterns on the idyllic scene.

>It would seem you've come across virgin land... if it weren't for a few obvious signs of those who came before you.

>Seperating you from all this is a tall, ugly iron gate. It's not particularly pleasent to look at, but it seems to succeed at it's function.

>Open the gate?
